Taking Cannabis Video Surveillance a Step Further with Hidden Cameras

Taking Cannabis Video Surveillance a Step Further with Hidden Cameras

Taking Cannabis Video Surveillance a Step Further with Hidden Cameras

Cannabis is a rapidly growing industry and one that calls for a critical focus around security. Estimates on the total market size of cannabis predict $75 billion in overall global sales by 2030 (according to a survey by the Cowen Group). While all projections for the cannabis industry look positive, with legalization and growth come other significant responsibilities for cannabis-based businesses, especially cannabis security. And, this is where cannabis video surveillance plays an important role.

How Much Security Does a Cannabis Business Need?

Cannabis security is the need of the hour for almost all growing cannabis businesses. Even though the specifications of necessary security systems and protocols may vary across businesses depending on their location and type (breeders, cultivators, dispensaries, manufacturers, etc.), compliance standards need security systems that ensure:

  • Safety of digital records
  • Tracking of inventory (even plants that are defective need to be under cannabis video surveillance)
  • Regulation of marijuana access
  • Security of the product
  • Prompt action in the case of security breach/unforeseen accidents

Differences Between Cannabis Security Systems and Standard Security Systems

You may not spot any major differences between cannabis security systems and standard security systems when it comes to hardware and software elements. The only factor that distinguishes both security systems is the purpose. However, cannabis security systems should always have:

  • Cannabis video surveillance capabilities that are more comprehensive than the video surveillance capabilities of standard security systems.
  • Powerful building access control safety features. Since regulated access is a key compliance component, cannabis security systems have robust building access control features.
  • Detailed system documentation.

Video surveillance systems come with cutting-edge technologies to ensure the safety of the facility through advanced capabilities such as live streaming, motion activation, and high-quality video surveillance footage. Apart from pro-grade camera systems, you’ll also need covert camera options to cover blind spots.

Alarm and notification systems provide high-security monitoring options, enhance visibility, and reduce the risk of key duplication. Hidden cameras can also be installed in electrical boxes,  smoke detectors, outlets, or in everyday objects or hard-to-reach spaces to take monitoring one-step further.

Building access control leaders in the cannabis security industry help in making building access more effective using cloud-based systems. No specialized devices or wireless hubs are required.

Cannabis Video Surveillance

Whether you are a marijuana dispensary owner, distributor, manufacturer, or retailer, hidden cameras in your cannabis video surveillance system can help you a great deal in protecting your investments against potential security threats.

Hidden cameras serve as reliable evidentiary devices for:

While specific cannabis video surveillance requirements can vary from state to state, some common factors on which the requirements depend include:

  • The time period of recorded footage. For instance, Ohio regulations require the footage to be stored for a minimum of 30 days.
  • Visibility of cannabis. Many states require cannabis video recordings at different stages of the business processes.
  • Video footage quality. For instance, in Oregon, exterior footage must be a minimum of 5fps and the interior video footage should be a minimum of 1.3 mp per camera at 10fps.
  • Video recording hours. Many states demand continuous feeds (24×7).

At ProTech Security, we have a strong history of experience, innovation, and customer service. The ProTech Security Advantage is more than 35 years of service in Northeast Ohio and a strong commitment to providing quality, cost-effective protection for homes, businesses, educational institutions, and government facilities. To see what ProTech Security can do for you, contact us today.

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