Visitor management for schools is essential for creating a holistic security solution that protects and preserves. Discover the advantages of integrating this component into the security systems for any school, college, or university.

Bolster Visitor Management with Video Intercoms and On-Site Guest Notifications
Improving visitor management security is easier with video intercoms and on-site guest notifications. Discover what these technologies mean for security systems here.

Commercial Security Strategies: 6 Ways to Keep Your People, Buildings, and Assets Secure
These commercial security strategies can be used to protect your business, irrespective of its locations, size, or industry.

Intrusion Detection Systems To Keep All Your People and Assets Safe
With around-the-clock monitoring and real-time feedback, intrusion detection systems ensure your access control systems are not violated.

Why Your Business Needs Custom Video Management Solutions
A video management system is more efficient and reliable than the built-in tools in a packaged video surveillance system. Here’s why.

Updating Visitor Management Software in a COVID-19 World
For businesses, updating visitor management software during COVID-19 operations is essential. Here’s why — and how to do it.

COVID-19 Security Concerns When Reopening Your Business
Here are the security factors you should consider when reopening your business, and how an evolved and up-to-date commercial security system can help.

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Video Surveillance with a Threat Detection System
A threat detection system is an important safety net to monitor public spaces, analyze objects and behavior, and notify help should a threat be detected.

Keeping an Eye on Everything with Video Surveillance
As today’s commercial security systems grow ever more technologically advanced, an increasing number of business owners are installing video surveillance.

Are School Metal Detectors Necessary?
The issue has caused lots of controversy amongst some parents. Do the benefits of school metal detectors outweigh the downsides?