Learn more about the Lynx mass notification system and how it delivers real-time alerts for real world impact. ProTech Security has all the details.

Take Advantage of Ohio Safety Grants for Schools
Two new safety grants for schools give educational facilities in Ohio more options for creating more secure educational environments. Learn more here.

Enhancing Integrated Security with Visitor Management for Schools
Visitor management for schools is essential for creating a holistic security solution that protects and preserves. Discover the advantages of integrating this component into the security systems for any school, college, or university.

Integrating Commercial Security Alarm Systems and Mass Notifications
Integrating a mass notification system with your commercial security alarm systems means better, more responsive protection. Learn more here.

Protecting Your Business with a Gunshot Detection System
A well-integrated gunshot detection system for commercial properties reduces emergency response times and keeps people and property safe.

School Emergency Management in a Post-COVID World
To ensure the safety of students and staff, you need a comprehensive school emergency management plan. Here’s how to be prepared.

School Safety Technology for a Post-COVID World
School safety technology like temperature screening and health checkups are now the norm to ensure all health guidelines are being followed.

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Video Surveillance with a Threat Detection System
A threat detection system is an important safety net to monitor public spaces, analyze objects and behavior, and notify help should a threat be detected.

Are School Metal Detectors Necessary?
The issue has caused lots of controversy amongst some parents. Do the benefits of school metal detectors outweigh the downsides?

College Security Systems: Higher Safety for Higher Education
Criminal and critical incidents on campus can’t be completely eliminated, but college security systems can greatly reduce them.