Why You Should Always Avoid Leaving Items in Plain Sight

Why You Should Always Avoid Leaving Items in Plain Sight

Why You Should Always Avoid Leaving Items in Plain Sight

Burglars are always on the lookout for obvious locations in and around your property, where they can easily strike and steal your valuables. That means they’re sometimes exploring your neighborhood, assessing your surroundings, and evaluating your security systems. Therefore, leaving items in plain sight is never a good idea. If you want to stay one step ahead of burglars, it’s important to understand what they can target and improve the security of your belongings.

According to the FBI, a burglary takes place every 30 seconds in the US. Therefore, it’s time to take charge of your valuables and hide them in a safe place before your property becomes the next target. 

While robust home security systems are great for ensuring the security of your property, it’s equally important to stay alert and avoid leaving your items in plain sight.

Securing Your Personal Belongings Instead of Leaving Items in Plain Sight

First things first, always record all the information about your valuables in a notebook and hide it in a safe place. Avoid storing this sensitive information on your laptop or PC. If you want, you can share the list and details with a friend or family member.

Ensure you record the following details:

  • Manufacturer
  • Make/model
  • Serial number
  • Color

In the case of jewelry, keep the photographs of the items in a safe place. All this information will help the police find your valuables in the event of a burglary. 

Avoid Leaving Items in Your Car

Burglars are always looking for easy targets for a quick “smash and steal” car break-in. According to research, in 2020, 20.2% of car owners were victims of car burglaries. Valuable items left in plain sight are the top cause for car break-ins. 

Burglars are typically looking for items such as:

  • Cell phones
  • Laptops 
  • Tablets
  • GPS devices
  • Purses/wallets
  • Backpacks/briefcases
  • Electronics
  • Shopping bags
  • Cash/coins

Even though the easiest thing to do to prevent car break-ins is to avoid leaving these items in your cars, here are some other useful tips for car security:

  • Install a car security system
  • Ensure your car doors are always locked and windows rolled up when your car is parked
  • Avoid parking your car in secluded parking spots
  • Park your car in well-lit areas
  • Avoid using the console box or glove box as a storage area
  • Do not leave your keys in the car
  • Take a few moments before exiting your car and ensure you’re not leaving any valuables in plain sight

Secure the Valuables Inside Your Home

Avoid storing valuables such as electronics, cell phones, jewelry, and so on near the windows. This is one of the most common home security mistakes made by homeowners. 

Place larger appliances and electronics such as home appliances and televisions away from the doors and windows. If you have space constraints, ensure you cover the windows with blinds or curtains. 

Keep the Garage Locked

9% of burglars enter through the garage. Therefore, keep your garage locked to prevent burglars from entering your home. Burglars know that most homeowners store their expensive tools, bikes, and cars in their garages. Consider securing your garage with a smart lock.

Pause Home Deliveries and Mail

If you are planning a vacation or have to travel because of work, don’t forget to pause your home deliveries and mail. These unattended packets can also attract burglars when you are not around. In your absence, you can also request your neighbors to collect your home deliveries and mail.

Avoid Flaunting the Packages of Expensive Items Outside Your Home

Avoid leaving the packages of expensive electronics such as gaming consoles and televisions outside your home. By leaving them out in the open, you’re inviting burglars to target your home. Break the boxes and put them in the bin.

At ProTech Security, we have a strong history of experience, innovation, and customer service. The ProTech Security Advantage is more than 35 years of service in Northeast Ohio and a strong commitment to providing quality, cost-effective protection for homes, businesses, educational institutions, and government facilities. To see what ProTech Security can do for you, contact us today.

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